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Limited places still available!
The routine in our pre-school room is stricter to ensure children get used to the nursery day
and are prepared for their journey into reception. A sample day looks like this:
8.00-8.45 Arrival/Breakfast/Registration
8.45-9.00 Free Play
9.00-9.15 Circle Time
9.15-10.00 Adult-led Focused Activity
10.00-10.30 Snack time
10.30-11.00 Story Time
11.00-11.50 Garden Free Play
11.50-12.00 Wash Hands and Set-up
12.00-12.30 Lunch time
12.30-13.00 Afternoon Circle Time/Home Time/New Session Starting
13.00-13.30 Circle Time/Welcome new children
13.30-14.30 Adult-led Focused Activity
14.30-15.00 Carpet Games
15.00-16.00 Garden Free Play
16.00-16.30 Tea Time
16.30-17.30 Free Play
17.30-18.00 Story Time/Home Time
Our environment is play-based with focused activities. The key person spends a large amount of time observing the child’s interests and planning suitable activities for them. If the child is starting to display an interest in letters and written language, we will not stop this but further it. We may include copying letters and more mark-making activities that develop pencil grip on the child’s day. However, children who do not display this interest are not forced to sit at the table and copy letters. Every child develops at a different rate, and we aim to understand and support children as individuals. We include daily phonics activities into the day, to teach children to listen out for sounds and try and copy them. Pre-school children are currently using the “Jolly Phonics.”
Early Mathematics are everywhere, it is difficult to “teach” children without sharing some mathematical concepts. Our children work with different shapes first 2D and then 3D in the classroom and often point this out. When preparing activities, or setting the table, we include the children in these activities allowing them to experience maths in a practical way (counting children, plates and cups to match etc.). This will give children an understanding of how we can use maths. We do not introduce abstract numbers to children until they understand what a number is and how we can use it practically
Absolutely! The children are engaging in the same activities as children in the nursery class. We work to the same standard and are achieving the same outcomes for children. As transition
time approaches, we prepare children through dressing up in school uniforms, reading stories about school and visiting local primary schools.
Little Miracles Day Nursery is proud to share its latest Ofsted report in which we achieved a Good outcome.